Piano Tiles is an ios/android mobile game where you will see some black and white tiles like a chess board. These tiles move on your screen randomly and you have to tap the moving black tiles. As you hit the black tile a piano note is played. Piano Tiles can be downloaded from Apple App Store at Piano Tiles Game :: Apple App Store and in the Android Google play at Piano Tiles Game :: Google Play Store
Those who have played piano tiles would have already known that this is yet another addictive and tough game that just makes you more anxious and stressful. Piano Tiles can be the next hot topic for the game lovers after Flappy Bird and 2048 Game. So here we will provide some tips and tricks for the Piano Tiles game to score high and beat your friends.
Some Tips and Tricks to score high and beat your friends in Piano Tiles game:
Tip 1. Ignore the unnatural High scroes on the flow
Piano Tiles is one of the toughest games so some unnatural scores can easily be detected. These scores are not real so just ignore them.
Tip 2. Use both of your hands
Using the index finger of both of your hands will make you tap the black tiles faster and minimize the chances to leave any black tiles. Although index finger is the most active finger for me, for some people, some other finger probably the middle finger may be more active so try different fingers and determine which is the most comfortable one and less error prone to you.
Tip 3. Take Rest and use the Rest Reminder
Do not play the game continuously and do not try to beat the scores desperately. Because your eyes will get stressed and you will lose focus from the game. If you play it continuously it will also make you lose your temper and increase your level of anxiety. So, it is a good idea to use the build in Rest reminder in the game itself.
Tip 4. Practice Smartly
If you are just starting to play the game, then first try the easier modes so as to gain confidence and be familiar with the game rather than getting frustrated on the very first day. Classic mode and the Zen Modes are relative easy game modes in the Piano Tiles since you won't get panicked by the auto speed moving tiles in this mode. The tiles will only move once you tap the black tiles. This means that the classic and zen modes will allow you to play in your own pace, thereby making you learn to increase your speed without making mistakes. Once you get used to this, you can then switch to the Arcade and Rush Mode.
This tip applies to the one who has already mastered in tapping the black tiles and can avoid hitting the white tiles. So now if you try to tap the black tiles as soon as it appears on the screen (in the upper half of your game screen), then there is a lesser chance that you will skip any black tiles because you will get some time to tap it while it moves down.
Please feel free to contact us if you have got any other tips/tricks to play the Piano Tiles that works for you.
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